What Is An SSL Certificate Why You Need One
Google’s unsafe website warning can cost you a lot of business!
Would you believe you can turn customers away if your website is “unsafe”?

SSL Certificates Offer A Higher Level of Security
My name is Bill Morgan From Website Design in Sayville NY. I help businesses like yours keep their online presence safe by building a trustworthy reputation.
I know people are visiting your company’s website, and are there because of your services. But if your company’s website is labeled as not secure, guess what your customers will do next. They will leave!
If your website doesn’t have an SSL certificate installed. your business might be losing money just because your website isn’t officially marked as safe.
In fancy terms, a Secure Sockets Layer certificate allows the transfer protocol to create a security layer to add end-to-end encryption. But in other, and much simple words, SSL certificates simply ensure the data you share between your visitor’s browser and your own server stays secure.
With the online becoming more dangerous with every passing day, reassuring your visitors they’re browsing your actual, real website is important.
Don’t worry though. We have an inexpensive solution.
To Learn more about Securing Your Website watch this video.
We can help your business install a valid encryption certificate and make the interaction between your customers and your server as safe as it can be. people have become very aware of the Internet privacy issues and of possible hackers stealing their personal information. Assuring your website visitors that you care about their security is very important. If they see that your site is not secure and are receiving a warning, they will simply move on to your competition.
Depending upon how secure your website has to be will determine the cost of an SSL certificate. SSL certificates range in price from $39 to several hundred dollars. The average local website. We usually just require an inexpensive SSL certificate. The expensive SSL certificates are basically for large corporations that are transmitting sensitive data over the Internet. Requiring an SSL certificate for your local business will probably just cost $39 plus whatever insulation fees are attached.
Call us today to find out how we can help
PS: Stop sending YOUR potential clients to buy from the competition! Contact us for a free consultation and find out how you can make friends with Google again.
To learn more about SSL Certificates and how Google is Punishing sites that are not https. Visit my website and read all about secure websites. The longer you wait the more Google will bury your website. If you’re interested in having me fix this problem for you quickly and affordably,
call me at 516-458-6448 or go to my website: https://websitedesigninsayville.com fill out the contact form and I will be in touch with you.
When your website is SSL protected, your clients will trust you more
Once your visitors feel safe to use your website to their advantage, they will immediately feel more comfortable and secure to share their personal information with you.
This is important for you, as a business. Whether your users feel safe to buy your products or simply agree to leave you their email, you’ve managed to create a bond between them and your company.
When growing your business is a priority, gaining the trust of your visitors is the first step towards business success!